
Non-affiliated, Non-lengthy, Non-articles about Transformers
Showing posts with label Bluster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bluster. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 August 2014

New Arrivals - Mid August 2014 (Part 1)

Another chapter in the conveyor belt of new arrivals in August. I'm really not wasting any time blasting through Transformers Animated, and I've started on Transformers prime and Beast Hunters - although very select moulds. There is a mix of BotCon and online purchases in this installment. Chronological order has gone out the window as I cannot recall what arrived when, or with what. I just know what I haven't pictured yet! Yeah, real healthy way to go about my collecting. Beats waiting 14 years for a Joustra Diaclone Sunstreaker though, eh?

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Bluster and Trench - TFCon/AA exclusive (Mario/Luigi)

We saw the test shots, we saw them displayed at conventions, we've anticipated and heard the death knell, then the song of resurrection...finally they are here. Mech iDeas Bluster and Trench. Almost. While the Techno Toon Titans line from Mech iDeas are aimed at filling all the gaps that the cancellation of Transformers Animated left, inaugural release TTT-01G is actually a repaint of the moulds for Animated Huffer and Pipes. The Transformers Animated colours are to be released later this year, but the Mario and Luigi repaints exclusive to TFCon in Canada and Auto Assembly in England are out. Here's my short pictorial review. If you need some historical context, background, rationale and design analysis, you can read my article on the test shots here.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

New Arrivals - Early July 2014 (Part 2)

Another day, another box of Transformers Animated. Believe it or not, I cannot wait until this is over. When you're buying online - especially cheap small things like a loose Animated bot here or there - you don't realise how quickly it adds up in terms of volume, and knowing that every day a box arrives with more stuff, it's getting a little hard to breathe around here. Also this first pic is a little misleading, not all of those toys are mine, or new!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Mech Ideas Bluster and Trench - Article Teaser

Thursday night (tomorrow) will see me publish an article on TFSource Blog about the upcoming 3rd party Mech Ideas Techno Toon Titans "Bluster" and "Trench". In layman's terms, they are the unofficial Transformers Animated versions of Huffer and Pipes as seen in the Allspark Almanacs and also in a brief scene in the 3rd season of the Animated cartoon itself. If these figures are successful - and I desperately hope they are - it could signal a way for TF Animated lovers to finally get their hands on unofficial versions of the unproduced and unused characters they have been so cruelly teased with by the creators of the show. Speaking of teasers, here are some of the pictures from tomorrow night's article to whet your appetite. Enjoy!