
Non-affiliated, Non-lengthy, Non-articles about Transformers

Sunday 30 April 2017

MakeToys MTRM-06 Contactshot

Get comfortable in your chair, grab a beverage of your choosing, slap on some synthwave (I'd recommend Droid Bishop, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator or Kalax) and prepare to spend some time with the Transformers-based toy of 2017 thus far. I am of course referring to 3rd Party company MakeToys' Re:Master series MTRM-06 Contactshot, their stab at a Masterpiece-level Autobot Targetmaster Pointblank. Without a shadow of a doubt, this was my most anticipated 3rd party product of 2016, and although it came out in early 2017, he has not disappointed at all.

Fans Hobby MasterBuilder MB-03 Feilong

Fans Hobby are a new company releasing 3rd Party versions of recognisable Transformers characters at Masterpiece scale. While the people behind the company are rumoured to be people who worked at other well know 3P companies, their MasterBuilder brand may as well - for all intents and purposes - be considered new. Here we have MB-03 "Feilong", their version of the G1 Autobot Monsterbot "Doublecross".

Wednesday 26 April 2017

MMC Reformatted R-17 Continuum Set - For Carnifex

Overlord means different things to different sets of Transformers fans and collectors. For some, he conjures up the malevolent, charismatic and insane monster from IDW's Transformers comics, specifically Last Stand Of The Wreckers and More Than Meets The Eye. Nick Roche's design and character for Overlord is widely known and well loved. For another set of fans Overlord has significance as the G1 double Powermaster from the 90s or the Japanese exclusive Masterforce version from 1988, a highly sought after and often very expensive toy. Not rare, though, let's not make that mistake.