
Non-affiliated, Non-lengthy, Non-articles about Transformers
Showing posts with label Wardog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wardog. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 July 2015

BadCube OTS-04 Wardog - Review

We've had the robot mode pictorial and the tank mode pictorial, now it's time to share some opinions on BadCube's Masterpiece-style version of the minibot Warpath. With Huffer (as "Cubex Huff"), Brawn(y) and Outback(lands) in the bag already, BadCube continue to blaze an MP-style minibot trail across the landscape with an ambitious interpretation of everyone's favourite tourettes-suffering military Autobot. The review is a bit late as BadCube are about to release their Evil Bug Corps (Insecticons) and have just announced their Sunstreaker, but I've got some tasty pictures and a few words for those of you still undecided about Wardog.

Monday, 29 June 2015

BadCube OTS-04 Wardog - Tank Mode Pictorial

The review is coming soon, but for now please enjoy some photos of BadCube's Wardog (Warpath Masterpiece-a-like) in tank mode. Seriously, please enjoy them, it wasn't easy to return to this mode. I have witnesses.

Monday, 22 June 2015

BadCube OTS-04 Wardog - Robot Mode Pictorial

Welcome, BadCube Old Timer Series 04 Wardog. There will be a proper review of BadCube's MP-style interpretation of the minibot Warpath soon, but for now here's a pictorial of this surprisingly excellent figure in robot mode. I'm surprised because it's 'just' Warpath, but it's fantastic, just like Badcube's Backland was. I'm not quite ready to transform it back yet, but when I do, I'll post a short tank mode pictorial as well.